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individualized family service plan

Individualized Family Service Plan - 2 Role of the IFSP Provide services to children with disabilities and their families. Improving the daily life of children and the natural environment A form of early intervention

3 IFSP includes: How the child has developed physically, mentally and socially How the child communicates and adapts to new things The way the family interacts with the child

Individualized Family Service Plan

Individualized Family Service Plan

Services available to children, as well as costs and funding Outcomes and goals for children and families.

Quiz & Worksheet

Include a statement about the family's concerns, an assessment to determine the services the child will benefit from, the child's strengths and needs, and observations of the child's behavior.

6 The IFSP team consists of service coordinators, families and consultants Meet to review the IFSP, define goals for children and families, and develop intervention strategies.

Teach children communication skills to ask for food or drink Teach motor skills to eat food and drink Ways to build motor skills - building blocks, coloring books The strategy should help the child in everyday life, social and independent.

8 Follow Up Every six months (or as needed), the team meets to discuss the plan.

Family Oriented Early Intervention Policies And Practices: Family Centered Or Not?

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