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ammunition prices chart

Ammunition Prices Chart - It's no secret that the device market has been volatile (to put it mildly) since the spread of the Covid epidemic, but some trends seem to be decreasing while others are increasing. To keep his ammo prices and supplies competitive, Redditor Chainwaxologist, owner of web-based hunting and fishing store, decided to track ammo costs for the most popular guns. Chainwaxologist used their results to create an interactive chart that shows these trends in a single stop format to help us visualize the data. Check out Chainwaxologist's review below.

I'll report back with more ammo data. I have an online hunting sales business ( so every few days I post ammo prices on Ammosee since ammo is a big part of our business. Needless to say, we had a tough year selling ammo with limited inventory. Since the previous update in June 2021, we have seen a significant decrease in cost per cycle from June to August before returning to higher levels in early September, likely due to increased demand due to the hunting season. Several groups saw a 25% higher CPR price increase in August alone, especially 308 Win and 7.62x39mm. Other calibers such as the 380 Auto, 9mm, and 22LR saw quiet growth, possibly because manufacturers prioritized production of these calibers during the pandemic, leading to increased supply; The fact that these measures are not commonly used in hunting is likely to help keep demand levels steady as well. Between early September and now, prices are down 5-20% overall, meaning that in most cases CPR is still 5-10% higher than the low prices seen in July/August. I have also spoken with several of the largest ammunition distributors in the country, who unfortunately agree on the prospect of limited ammunition supplies and higher prices through 2022. The data presented here are consistent with this opinion, but are perhaps less optimistic compared to the prices. now upside down again.

Ammunition Prices Chart

Ammunition Prices Chart

I would also like to thank the Chain Waxologist for his diligence in documenting our problem and for his permission to share his photo and observations! Another reader asked about the inclusion of steel cased ammo, to which Chainwaxologist responded that they strictly take the top list (lowest price) for each caliber on, which may include the steel case in the ammo cost calculation, but still gives it to us. a general, general picture of the whole situation.

Why Does Ammunition Cost So Much?

You can view the original Reddit thread HERE or view its raw data HERE. Click on the photo above for a larger version or go to the Reddit link and click on the thread image to enlarge. You can also check out the products they offer at Chainwaxologist

I was surprised to see the 7.62×39 actually going downhill since the Russian ammo production was banned. Is there anything about the ammo price chart that surprises you?

Doug has been a gun enthusiast since he was 16 after shooting with a friend. Since then, he has knocked many off the list for the first time. Husband, father, grandfather, policeman, hobbyist, artist and student of history. Doug has been a reader of TFB since its inception and enjoys contributing content. Doug can be reached at battleshipgrey61 AT or dattleshipgrey61 on Instagram.

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